Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome to The Black Rider Chronicles

Date: Saturday, January 12

RE: Can you feel it? Can you see it? It's happening all around us! There is an Agenda for Earth that involves the Human Race, yet the Human Race is not allowed to know just what that Agenda is....

Dear Concerned Friend and Fellow Inhabitant of Planet Earth,

Welcome to The Black Rider Chronicles and our ongoing research and investigations into the alien agenda and what it portends for humanity.

You've heard of "Deep Throat"? My name is Black Rider. You know that old saying, "What you don't know can't hurt you...?" Well, it would be in your best interest if you didn't believe that. I'm here to tell you that "What you don't know will kill you."

America and the Public have been kept in the dark and lied to for too long, and about way too many of the greatest discoveries in the history of Humanity... and about the greatest threats and conspiracies that pose a very real, and very clear and present danger to not only civilization but to the very survival of the human race as a species.

With that in mind, I decided to join the very small ensemble of brave "voices crying in the wilderness," voices of men and women who have put their own lives and reputations on the line "Under The Penalty of Death." Two of these brave men, these brave souls, brave voices crying in the wilderness, have already been dispatched from this world with "Expediency." These two "voices" to be silenced belonged to Philip Schnieder and William Cooper. As time moves ever forward to the unholy Armageddon that is rapidly approaching this world, you will learn more about these small "voices in the wilderness."

I have been called many things in my life; coming back from Vietnam, I was called a "Baby Killer," back in the 80's, it was a "Conspiracy Theorist," amongst other unpleasant things; probably many more things behind my back that I don't even know about, but in light of the subject matter that will be covered in the coming issues of the The Black Rider Chronicles, that's all water under the bridge. I DO NOT expect you to believe anything that you find within the pages of these Chronicles, however, I DO expect you to do your homework, your own research, then draw your own conclusions based on the research that you, yourself, have done.

I am not in this for the money, glory, or fame. I wish it was that easy, but it's not. I'm in it because I love humanity, and I love my Country. A long time ago, I got away from the subject of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Secret Societies, The Shadow Government, and Conspiracies Against Humanity and I stayed away from it for a long time. But things don't always work out the way we'd like them to and that ever so soft little voice in my heart has recalled me back to active duty, after 30 years of just keeping a casual finger on the pulse of humanity. Active Duty. Adds a whole new dimension to the word. This is a duty that I just can't walk away from. I wish I could. All I want to be, all I've ever wanted to be, was to be normal. It's just not in the stars. I have to do this. I am prepared to let go of everything...and everyone...that I love and hold very dear for the sake of humanity. How many of you, the last true Patriots are ready to ride?

I do not ask this question lightly because in all reality there will come a day when you will either Ride... or you will die. It is as simple as that. There is a small group of "Elitists" that are carrying out their own agenda for humanity's future, if you want to call it a "future," and humanity doesn't have any say in the outcome. And these "Elitists" have an "alien cadre" within their ranks who are manipulating "them", with or without their knowledge (who knows?), to do their unholy bidding against society, against humanity, against us.

"And just what is that outcome for humanity," you ask?

You do the math...

And now, for a taste of things to come...

This perfectly explains the reason for the massive cover up on the UFO subject.

John Lear; former US CIA worker, discloses inside information of US and Alien treaties in exchange for UFO technology. This is an audio tape of a broadcast from Coast To Coast with Art Bell and George Noory. Although the speaker is credible, this information is unconfirmed, lets just hope that it is not true.

(Are you ready for this? Here it comes... and this is the reason why I am here.... Black Rider.)

"Appalling US - Alien Treaties in Exchange For UFO Technology"

(Please Note: Though I will be utilizing many clips from, as well as many other sources, you - The Reader and Viewer - must keep in mind that there may be truth in what you see and hear, but there is also a hell of a lot of garbage and dis-information, and outright hoax perpertrations out there, too. So you must ALWAYS do your due diligence. Do your homework, and research EVERYTHING! My rule of thumb has always been to believe only half of what I see, and one quarter of what I hear. Ride Hard and DIG! Black Rider).

In all truth, this has to be the most terrifying endeavor that I have ever had to undertake because of what the subject matter portends for the entire human race. For all intents and purposes, I have now put myself in the "crosshairs". But, the importance of the subject matter that is being covered, and will be covered, outweighs the inherent risks to this "small voice crying in the wilderness."

My life is irrelevant, and unimportant, in view of the threat that faces the very existence of humanity. I'm not looking to die a martyr, but in case I should die of some very unnatural causes, then you do the math. In the end, it will still be left for you to decide. So, Let's Ride...

Final Note: My demands and requirements are simple, and not for my sake... but for yours.
You Read... You Research... You Decide. It's time to Ride... I hope you will join me on this quest for the truth. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and for reading.

Just one more little tidbit for you historians out there... "There have always been, and there will always be... A Black Rider. Every generation has had one. But ONE has the capability of becoming MANY." I just happen to be this generation's FIRST one. The secret is to know who they WERE and why they WERE. Then look around you. You'll know them when you see them. Until we meet again.... Please feel free to post your thoughts and comments on this first post, and we'll take it from there. Please be advised, you're in for one hell of a wild ride. Let's Ride!

Black Rider
January 12, 2008

1 comment:

JohnnyCanuck said...

I'm always interested in efforts at disclosure. What concerns me, though, is the fact that the same old 'knowledgable' individuals keep getting trotted out.

John Lear, for instance, might well be guilty of telling the odd whopper, and is pretty eager to qualify his statements by saying he could be wrong. The following comes from the ATS website
"I seek only the truth. But let me make it perfectly clear how little I think I know:
1. All of my claims are only possibilities.
2. I could be completely misinformed.
3. All of what I believe might not be true.
John Lear"

If one is going to tell us that everything we know about the space programme is a lie, well...he'd better have a little more conviction. Further, if his connnections to the intelligence community are as claimed, he might just as easily be feeding us distractions from the real story.

And there is a real story.